Connecting on LinkedIn

Here’s some quick and easy advice on requesting a connection on LinkedIn: Add a personal message to the request.

From the article below: “Pressing connect is low effort.” I usually try to add a quick message, “Excited to connect with you. Have a great week!” or if you’ve just started working with someone, “I’m excited to work with you!”

I’d also add, don’t ask a question in these initial connection requests. Make it easy for whomever you’re connecting with to see a nice little note and press the button. If you feel like you need to follow up with a question, once you’re officially connected send another message. This will store in your messages and make it more likely for someone to reply.

If you need to draw some attention to your profile, I can help with that! Lemme know!

Don’t just press ‘connect’ when adding people on LinkedIn: ‘All it shows is that you were able to push a button,’ says expert

Amy Phelps